what is a true statement about tobacco products?

A. smokeless tobacco is better than smoking tobacco because you do not have a risk of cancer.

B. smokeless and smoked both produce tar and carbon monoxide.

C. smokeless and smoked tobacco require you to eat the tobacco and release the nicotine.

D. smokeless tobacco can be chewed, absorbed, or sniffed to ingest the nicotine.

B. smokeless and smoked both produce tar and carbon monoxide.

which is an accurate statement about giving up tobacco use

A. Quitting tobacco use is difficult, but it is possible with the right support and resources.

which is an accurate statement about giving up tobacco use

continue eating lunch with friends who smoke so you can convince them to stop too
don't tell anyone you are trying to quit because they might not support you
post list of reasons why you want to quit on your bathroom mirror so you can see it multiple times a day.

C. Posting a list of reasons why you want to quit on your bathroom mirror so you can see it multiple times a day is an effective strategy for giving up tobacco use.

The true statement about tobacco products is option B: smokeless and smoked tobacco both produce tar and carbon monoxide.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options:

A. Smokeless tobacco is claimed to be better than smoking tobacco because there is no risk of cancer. However, this statement is not entirely true. While it is true that the risk of developing lung cancer is lower when consuming smokeless tobacco compared to smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco can still cause cancer in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, throat, and pancreas. Therefore, this option is not a true statement.

B. This option correctly states that both smokeless and smoked tobacco products produce tar and carbon monoxide. When tobacco is burned, as in smoking, it releases harmful substances like tar and carbon monoxide, which are known to be detrimental to human health. Similarly, smokeless tobacco products also contain harmful chemicals and can result in the ingestion of tar and carbon monoxide. Therefore, this option is a true statement.

C. The statement suggests that smokeless and smoked tobacco require eating the tobacco and releasing the nicotine. This is incorrect. Smokeless tobacco products do not require ingestion, but rather users typically chew, suck, or place the tobacco between the cheek and gum. In contrast, smoking tobacco involves inhaling the smoke into the lungs to absorb nicotine. Hence, this option is not a true statement.

D. This option correctly states that smokeless tobacco can be chewed, absorbed, or sniffed to ingest the nicotine. Smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco or snuff, come in different forms and can be used by chewing, absorbing through the gums, or sniffing. These methods allow nicotine to enter the bloodstream without requiring smoking. Therefore, this option is also a true statement.

In conclusion, the true statement about tobacco products is option B: smokeless and smoked tobacco both produce tar and carbon monoxide.