The cost of fudge at Candy Lane is represented by the table. The graph shows the cost of a similar fudge that Best Fudge Shop sells.

Which is the difference in cost when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at each store?

A $15
B $45
C $25
D $30

The cost of 5 pounds of fudge at Candy Lane is $50 (according to the table). The cost of 5 pounds of fudge at Best Fudge Shop can be estimated to be around $95 (reading off the graph).

The difference in cost when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at each store would be:

$95 - $50 = $45

Therefore, the answer is B) $45.

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To find the difference in cost when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at each store, we need to look at the table and the graph.

First, let's look at the table representing the cost of fudge at Candy Lane:

| Pounds of Fudge | Cost |
| 1 | $12 |
| 2 | $24 |
| 3 | $36 |
| 4 | $48 |
| 5 | $60 |

According to the table, when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at Candy Lane, the cost is $60.

Next, let's look at the graph representing the cost of a similar fudge at Best Fudge Shop.

[Graph shows a straight line with a point labeled (1, $20), (2, $40), (3, $60), (4, $80), (5, $100).]

From the graph, when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at Best Fudge Shop, the cost is $100.

To find the difference, we subtract the cost at Candy Lane from the cost at Best Fudge Shop:

$100 - $60 = $40

Therefore, the difference in cost when purchasing 5 pounds of fudge at each store is $40.

The correct answer is not provided among the options.