The process of loosing or gaining electron is accompanied by?

electron strenght

energy change



b. energy change

The correct answer is b. energy change.

The process of losing or gaining electrons, known as ionization or electron affinity, is accompanied by an energy change. When an atom gains an electron, energy is released, while when an atom loses an electron, energy is required. This energy change is a result of the interaction between the electrons and the nucleus of the atom. Therefore, option b, energy change, is the relevant accompaniment to the process of losing or gaining electrons.

The process of losing or gaining electrons is accompanied by an energy change. To understand why, we need to dive into the realm of chemistry and physics.

The gain or loss of electrons is referred to as oxidation and reduction, which are fundamental processes in the field of electrochemistry. When an atom or molecule loses electrons, it undergoes oxidation, gaining a positive charge. On the other hand, when an atom or molecule gains electrons, it undergoes reduction, acquiring a negative charge.

Now, let's consider the conservation of energy principle. When electrons are either lost or gained, there is a transfer of energy associated with these processes. Electrons possess energy due to their position within an atom or molecule. The energy change occurs as a result of the rearrangement of electrons within atoms or molecules.

As a practical example, think of a simple battery. When a battery is discharged, it loses electrons, which flow through a circuit, producing energy. In contrast, when a battery is charged, it gains electrons, storing energy for future use. Therefore, the gain or loss of electrons is directly linked to an energy change in such electrochemical systems.

To summarize, the correct answer is b. Energy change accompanies the process of losing or gaining electrons.