Your pencil and notebook are both sitting motionless on your desk. Which of the following explanations correctly explains which one has more potential energy?

The notebook has more potential energy because it is not in motion.
The pencil has more potential energy because it has less mass.
The pencil has more potential energy because it is narrower.
The notebook has more potential energy because it has more mass.

d. The notebook has more potential energy because it has more mass.

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To determine which object has more potential energy, we need to understand the factors that determine potential energy. Potential energy depends on two main factors: the object's mass and its position or height above the ground.

In this scenario, both the pencil and the notebook are sitting motionless on the desk, which means their position above the ground is the same. Therefore, we can exclude the answers that mention the object's motion or width.

Now, let's compare the remaining factors: mass. According to the options, one explanation states that the pencil has more potential energy because it has less mass, and another explanation claims that the notebook has more potential energy because it has more mass.

Based on the formula for potential energy (PE), which is PE = m * g * h (where m represents mass, g represents acceleration due to gravity, and h represents height or position above the ground), we can deduce that mass is directly proportional to potential energy. This means that higher mass leads to higher potential energy.

Therefore, the correct explanation is: "The notebook has more potential energy because it has more mass." So, option d is the correct choice.