To make a big batch of cookies for her father, Annmarie needs 1 1/4 pounds of chocolate chips, 3/4 pounds of walnuts, and 12 ounces of raisins. How many ounces of these three ingredients does she need in all?

a. 28 ounces
b. 44 ounces
c. 48 ounces
d. 76 ounces

First, we need to convert the pounds to ounces.

1 1/4 pounds = 20 ounces (since 1 pound = 16 ounces, and 1/4 pound = 4 ounces)

3/4 pounds = 12 ounces

Next, we add all three measurements together:

20 ounces + 12 ounces + 12 ounces = 44 ounces

Therefore, the answer is (b) 44 ounces.