It is recommended that you have 8 servings of water per day. A serving of water is about 237 mL.

If Carmelo drank 7 servings, about how many liters of water did he drink?


3.059 L

16.59 L

1.359 L

1.659 L

D. 1.659 L

To find out, we need to multiply the number of servings (7) by the volume of one serving of water (237 mL), and then convert the result to liters:

7 servings x 237 mL/serving = 1,659 mL

To convert mL to L, we divide by 1,000:

1,659 mL ÷ 1,000 = 1.659 L

Therefore, Carmelo drank approximately 1.659 liters of water.