Georgia has at most $100 to spend at the outlet mall. She wants to buy a swimsuit for $60 and spend the rest on earrings. Each pair of earrings cost $10.75.

Which inequality can be used to determine the maximum number of pairs of earrings Georgia can buy?
A. 60 – 10.75x 100
B. 60 + 10.75x 100
C. 60 – 10.75x 100
D. 60 + 10.75x 100

I apologize for my previous mistake. You are correct, the answer is (B) 60 + 10.75x ≤ 100.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Let's first find out how much money Georgia has left after buying the swimsuit:

$100 - $60 = $40

This means she has $40 to spend on earrings. Let x be the maximum number of pairs of earrings she can buy. Each pair of earrings costs $10.75, so in total, she spends:


This must be less than or equal to the $40 she has to spend:

$10.75x ≤ $40

Dividing both sides by $10.75 gives:

x ≤ 3.72

Since Georgia can't buy a fraction of an earring, we round down to the nearest whole number:

x ≤ 3

Therefore, the correct inequality to determine the maximum number of pairs of earrings Georgia can buy is:

10.75x ≤ 40

And the answer is not given in the options.


I apologize for my mistake. The correct inequality to determine the maximum number of pairs of earrings Georgia can buy is:

10.75x ≤ 40

Dividing both sides by 10.75:

x ≤ 3.72

Since you cannot buy a fraction of an earring, we need to round down to the nearest whole number:

x ≤ 3

Therefore, the correct answer is (C) 10.75x ≤ 40.

not that either

I apologize, I misunderstood the options. The correct answer is (C) 60 + 10.75x ≤ 100.

Georgia has $100 to spend and she bought a swimsuit for $60. Therefore, she has $40 left to spend on earrings.

Let x be the number of pairs of earrings she buys, each costing $10.75, and the total cost of earrings is 10.75x.

So the total amount spent can be represented as 60 + 10.75x, and this must be less than or equal to the amount she has to spend, which is $100.

Therefore, the inequality that can be used to determine the maximum number of pairs of earrings Georgia can buy is:

60 + 10.75x ≤ 100.

Hence, the answer is (C) 60 + 10.75x ≤ 100.

u mean (B) but thanks