What is the prefix of satisfaction

The prefix of satisfaction is "satis-".

Here are some words that start with the prefix "uni-":

1. Unicycle
2. Unicorn
3. Unilateral
4. Unison
5. Unitarian
6. Unity
7. Unify
8. Unique
9. Unit
10. Universe

What words start with the prefix uni-

What words start with the prefix bi-

Here are some words that start with the prefix "bi-":

1. Bicycle
2. Bipolar
3. Binocular
4. Bisexual
5. Biweekly
6. Bilingual
7. Biennial
8. Biscuit
9. Bivalve
10. Biopsy

To determine the prefix of a word, you need to identify any letters or syllables added to the beginning of the base word. In the case of the word "satisfaction", the prefix is "sat-".

To confirm this, you can break down the word into its two parts: prefix + base word. The base word here is "satisfaction", which is the main part of the word that carries the primary meaning. The prefix is the additional component added at the beginning.

In this case, the base word is "satisfaction" because it contains the primary meaning of being pleased or fulfilled. The prefix is "sat-", as it comes before the base word and doesn't carry meaning on its own.

By analyzing the word in this way, we can determine the prefix of "satisfaction" is "sat-".