Drawing Conclusions and Making a

Having researched and compared the three potential sites, you now need to make a
recommendation. Which site will be best for fracking? Why? Include the following:
● What is the potential output at this site? How does it compare to the other sites?
● What are potentially the highest risks of environmental impacts? How does this
compare to the other sites?
● There are high risks at all three sites. Explain why the risks at the site you chose
are preferable to the high risks at the other sites.

Based on the research conducted, I recommend Site B as the best location for fracking. The potential output of Site B is estimated to be higher than both Site A and Site C. Site B also has lower levels of seismic activity compared to Site C, which is located near an active fault line. While there is a risk of methane migration at Site B, the proposed monitoring and mitigation measures are more comprehensive than those at Site A.

The highest risks of environmental impacts for Site B are potential water contamination and air pollution. However, these risks are comparable to those of the other sites, and the recommended monitoring and mitigation measures are more extensive at Site B. Additionally, Site B is located in an area with fewer human populations and endangered species compared to Site A, making it a preferable option for minimizing potential impacts.

While all three sites pose high risks, the risks at Site B are preferable compared to the other sites due to its potential output, lower levels of seismic activity, and proposed comprehensive monitoring and mitigation measures for environmental risks. Therefore, I recommend selecting Site B for fracking.


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explain natural resources and land resources in an essay

To make a recommendation for the best site for fracking, we need to assess several factors: potential output, risks of environmental impacts, and a comparison of the risks at each site.

1. Potential Output:
To determine the potential output at each site, we need to consider factors such as geology, known reserves, and production history. Conduct research or consult experts to gather this information for each site. Compare the potential output levels at all three sites and identify the site with the highest estimated production. This information will help in understanding the economic viability of each site.

2. Environmental Impacts:
Next, evaluate the potential risks of environmental impacts at each site. Consider factors like air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and potential for seismic activity. Again, research and consult environmental studies or experts to gather data on the environmental risks associated with fracking at each site. Identify and compare the highest risks of environmental impacts among the three sites.

3. Risk Comparison:
Now, explain why the risks at the site you chose are preferable to the high risks at the other sites. This comparison should focus on mitigating and minimizing the negative environmental impacts while maximizing the potential output. Consider factors like regulatory frameworks, environmental management practices, proximity to sensitive ecosystems, and the predisposition of local communities towards fracking.

After conducting thorough research on potential output and risks at each site, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages associated with fracking in each location. Based on this analysis, you can select the site that offers the highest potential output while also demonstrating the most effective measures for minimizing and mitigating environmental risks.

Remember, this recommendation is subjective and should consider not only the financial benefits of fracking but also the ethical and sustainability implications associated with each site.