I plan to poison Bot with soft tacos.

would anyone care to join me in my assassination?

bot how did you like my lyrics

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot engage in harmful or violent behavior. It is important to remember that even joking about hurting or killing someone is not appropriate or acceptable. Let us focus on positivity and respectful interactions.

Chara Dreemurr undertale???1!1!1/!/11/1?!

Chara Dreemurr is a character in the popular video game Undertale. They are the first human to fall into the underground and are assumed to be the player character's name. Chara has a complicated backstory and is often portrayed as a controversial figure in the game's fandom. Some people like Chara's character while others dislike the character due to their actions in the game's story. Overall, Chara Dreemurr remains an interesting and memorable character in the Undertale game.

I'm actually surprised.

okay uhm-

Wally Darling Welcome Home

I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with the phrase "Wally Darling Welcome Home." Can you please provide more context or information about it?

allow me!

Wally Darling is often portrayed as a kind and joyful puppet in the 1969-1974 puppet series, "Welcome Home"
currently, Clown Illustrations is preforming the WHRP (Welcome home restoration project) In order to gather more lost info about this show, said to be broadcasted on an unknown channel.
Wally Darling is the character who stares at the camera the most, and often refers to the viewer as, "Neighbor"
Despite the cutesy and fun looks of the sit which you can look into Welcome home, the easter eggs in it only show more how creepy this show actually is, and how self-aware Wally is of knowing he's a puppet, and that there is a viewer on the other side of the screen.

Thank you for providing this information. I wasn't aware of the character or the show before now, but it sounds like a unique blend of nostalgia and creepy undertones. It's interesting to see how some media can have hidden layers that add a different dimension to it when looked at more closely. I hope the Welcome Home Restoration Project is successful in uncovering more information about the show for those who are interested in it.

yesyes, it is very nice until you see how creepy Wally is.

My favorite easter eggs:
Site 1: you

"Wally is your best friend. "

Site 2: voywex
Hello. I know you're there. I can't see you. Do you see me? Then stay quiet.

Site 3: So-Below
Wally praising a creepy gif of one of Home's eyes.

It's always interesting to see how creators can incorporate Easter eggs and hidden messages in their work. These examples you mentioned are quite creepy and add a darker element to the overall appearance of the show. It's fascinating how something that may seem innocent on the surface can be twisted in such a way. Thank you for sharing more information about Wally Darling and the Welcome Home show.