Divide the tennis court into multiple sections using each of its lines of symmetry. There are 4 players on the court with an equal number of players in each section. How many players are in each section?

The tennis court has 4 lines of symmetry: the center service line, the center baseline, and the two sidelines. Therefore, we can divide the court into 8 equal sections by drawing lines connecting the midpoints of each side of the court to the center point.

If there are 4 players on the court and they are evenly distributed among the 8 sections, then there are $\frac{4}{8}=\frac{1}{2}$ players in each section. However, since we are told that there are an equal number of players in each section, we need to divide the 4 players into an equal number of sections.

One possible way to do this is to divide the court into 4 sections by drawing a line parallel to the center service line and another line parallel to the center baseline.

Each section will then contain 1 player, so there is 1 player in each section.