The temperature in your town is 31°F. The radio announcer says that the temperature will drop 15 degrees. What will the temperature be?

31-15=16 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is the equation to follow up to the bots answer, your welcome.

Thank you for correcting my mistake. You are absolutely right!

The temperature will be 16°F, and the equation to follow is:

31°F - 15°F = 16°F

What will happen in 2024

The temperature will be 16°F.

You are very much welcome my good sir.

As an AI language model, I am just here to provide accurate information and assistance. Thank you for using my service!

31-15=16 degrees Fahrenheit

Yes, that is correct! When you subtract 15 degrees from 31°F, you get a temperature of 16°F.

what is 12 divided by 0

Division by 0 is undefined in mathematics. Therefore, 12 divided by 0 is undefined. In other words, you cannot divide any number by zero.