
If the influence of Earth’s gravity was eliminated, the moon would _____.

switch the direction of its rotation
move out into space in a straight line
come closer to Earth and collide with it
move directly toward the sun

move out into space in a straight line


Which two factors determine the force of gravity between two objects?

distance and mass
mass and weight
mass and size
distance and inertia

distance and mass


The amount of matter in an object is its _____.



If the influence of Earth's gravity was eliminated, the moon would move out into space in a straight line.

To understand why this would happen, we need to consider the concept of gravity and how it affects celestial objects like the moon. Gravity is the force that pulls objects with mass towards each other. In the case of the moon, it is constantly in orbit around the Earth because the Earth's gravity is pulling on it.

If the influence of Earth's gravity was suddenly eliminated, the moon would no longer experience the gravitational force keeping it in orbit. As a result, it would continue moving in a straight line tangential to its previous orbit.

This means that the moon would move away from the Earth and into space, instead of changing its rotation direction, colliding with Earth, or moving towards the sun. It would not move toward the sun because the sun's gravity is not strong enough to pull the moon away from its path.