Which is equal to one full spin of Earth on its axis?

A.one year
B.one month
C.one hour
D.one day

D. one day

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The correct answer is D. one day.

To understand why one full spin of Earth on its axis is equal to one day, we need to understand the concept of Earth's rotation. Earth rotates, or spins, on its axis, which is an imaginary line passing through its center from the North Pole to the South Pole. This rotation is what causes the cycle of day and night.

Now, to determine the time it takes for one full spin of Earth on its axis, we can look at how we measure time. The most commonly used unit of time is the day, which is further divided into 24 hours.

Therefore, as Earth completes one full rotation (360 degrees) on its axis, it takes approximately 24 hours to complete this rotation. This 24-hour period is what we refer to as one day.

Hence, the correct answer is D. one day.