India made a scale drawing of her bedroom using a scale of 1 cm = 6 inches. What is the height of the drawing of her bookcase if it is actually 24 inches tall?

A. 144 cm
B. 3 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 4 in.

The scale factor is $\frac{1\text{ cm}}{6\text{ in.}}$. If the actual height of the bookcase is 24 inches, then the height of the drawing is $$24\text{ in.} \times \frac{1\text{ cm}}{6\text{ in.}}=\boxed{4\text{ cm}}.$$

India made a scale drawing of her bedroom using a scale of 1 cm = 6 inches. What is the height of the drawing of her bookcase if it is actually 24 inches tall?

A. 144 cm
B. 3 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 4 in.

Using the given scale, 1 cm represents 6 inches in actual size. Therefore, to find the height of the drawing of the bookcase, we need to divide 24 inches (the actual height) by 6 (the number of inches represented by 1 cm):

24/6 = 4

So, the height of the drawing of the bookcase is 4 cm.

Answer: C. 4 cm

To find the height of the drawing of the bookcase, we need to use the given scale of 1 cm = 6 inches.

First, we need to calculate the length of the bookcase in centimeters using the actual height of 24 inches. We can do this by dividing the actual height (24 inches) by the scale factor (6 inches):

Length in centimeters = Actual height / Scale factor
Length in centimeters = 24 inches / 6 inches
Length in centimeters = 4 cm

So, the length of the bookcase in the scale drawing is 4 cm.

Therefore, the answer is option C. 4 cm.