Which number is irrational a 1.01000? One. 0? 0 1 b one point2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 root 100 and 4 1/6

The number that is irrational is 1.01000.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

1.01000 = 1 1/00
looks rational to me.
In fact, they all are rational

Of course, it's hard to tell just what "1.01000? One. 0? 0 1" means

without more context.

To determine if a number is irrational, we need to check if it can be expressed as a fraction (ratio) of two integers. Let's evaluate each number mentioned:

1. 1.01000: This number can be written as 1 + 0.01000. Since 0.01000 can be expressed as 1/100, the entire number can be written as 1 + 1/100, which is a rational number, not irrational.

2. One: The number "one" can be written as 1/1, which is a ratio of two integers. It is a rational number, not irrational.

3. 0: The number 0 can be written as 0/1, which is also a ratio of two integers. It is a rational number, not irrational.

4. 0 1 b: It is unclear what number "0 1 b" refers to. Please provide more information or clarify the question further.

5. 1.25: This number can be expressed as 5/4, which is the ratio of two integers. It is a rational number, not irrational.

6. 2.525252525...: This number is a repeating decimal with the pattern 25. It can be written as a fraction by considering the repeating part as "x". Thus, 2.525252525... = 2 + x, where x = 25/99. Therefore, 2.525252525... can be expressed as a fraction and is a rational number, not irrational.

7. √100: The square root of 100 is 10, which is a rational number since it can be expressed as 10/1.

8. 4 1/6: This number can be expressed as the improper fraction 25/6, which is a ratio of two integers. It is a rational number, not irrational.

Based on the examination of these numbers, the only number that is irrational is not mentioned in the list you provided.