Which survey question is biased?

A. Which - fall, winter, spring, or summer - is your favorite season?
B. Which sport is your favorite: baseball, basketball, football, or tennis?
C. Which do you like better, television, or video games?
D. Which do you like better, coffee of fresh, tasty water?

D. Which do you like better, coffee of fresh, tasty water? (This question is biased because it presents one option in a negative way, suggesting that coffee is inferior to water.)

The survey question that is biased is option D: "Which do you like better, coffee or fresh, tasty water?" This question is biased because it suggests that coffee is better than water by adding the adjectives "fresh" and "tasty."

The survey question that is biased is option C: "Which do you like better, television or video games?"

Bias refers to the presence of favoritism or prejudice for or against a particular choice or option. In option C, the question is biased because it presents a binary choice between television and video games, assuming that the respondent must like one option better than the other. It does not allow for the possibility that an individual might enjoy or prefer both activities equally, or have different preferences altogether.

To make the question unbiased, you could rephrase it to something like: "Do you enjoy watching television, playing video games, or both?" by providing respondents with the option to express their liking for both activities or neither.