Differences social and physical environment

The social environment and physical environment are two distinct aspects of our surroundings. The social environment refers to the people, institutions, and cultures that surround us, while the physical environment refers to the natural world and built structures.

Here are some key differences between the social and physical environment:

1. Nature vs. Nurture: The physical environment is largely shaped by nature, such as climate, geography, and topography, while the social environment is shaped by nurture, including social norms, beliefs, values, and social institutions.

2. Tangible vs. Intangible: The physical environment is visible and tangible, but the social environment is less visible and intangible. We can see and touch buildings, mountains, trees, and oceans, but we cannot see concepts like social norms and values.

3. Changeability: The physical environment is slower to change than the social environment. It takes years, decades, or even centuries for natural landscapes to change, while social norms and institutions can change much more quickly.

4. Multiple Layers: The social environment has multiple layers, including cultural, economic, and political factors, while the physical environment is more straightforward and typically has fewer layers.

5. Impact on Humans: Both the social and physical environment impact human health and well-being, but in different ways. The physical environment can impact our physical health, such as air quality and water safety, while the social environment can impact our mental health, such as social support and access to services.