The price of bread went from $1.50 per loaf when Bill started tracking to $2.50 per loaf in four years later. Find the rate of change of the price of bread.


$0.15 per year

$0.15 per year ,

$0.25 per year
$0.25 per year

$0.55 per year
$0.55 per year

$1.00 per year

$0.25 per year

To find the rate of change of the price of bread, we can use the formula:

Rate of change = (Final value - Initial value) / Time

In this case, the initial value is $1.50 per loaf, the final value is $2.50 per loaf, and the time is 4 years.

Rate of change = ($2.50 - $1.50) / 4 years

Rate of change = $1.00 / 4 years

Rate of change = $0.25 per year

Therefore, the rate of change of the price of bread is $0.25 per year.

To find the rate of change of the price of bread, we need to determine how much the price increased over a given time period. In this case, the time period is four years.

To calculate the rate of change, we can subtract the initial price from the final price and then divide by the number of years.

Final price - Initial price = Change in price
$2.50 - $1.50 = $1.00

Change in price / Number of years = Rate of change
$1.00 / 4 years = $0.25 per year

Therefore, the rate of change of the price of bread is $0.25 per year.