The invisible red string most closely follows which story pattern?

a. mentor
b. fall
c. coming of age
d. hero's journey


I did a hero's journey. This is what I wrote and it got me 100% for it:

The story pattern would be a mix between Ju-Lin venturing far from home on a ‘quest’ and her losing everything. She would have lost everything because she would have lost her family due to them going to sell her away. Ju-Lin’s family did not want to do this, but they had no food and needed money, and she was the only girl child. Her parents were seriously thinking about sending her away, but a matchmaker by the name of Moi-Yun came and made Ju-Lin a sort of an apprentice. She traveled far from home because she was in the care of the matchmaker and the matchmaker traveled places.

c. coming of age