Which of these two lines contains alliteration?

"or find the same slope on the other side,"
"Every way ends, every road,"

"Every way ends, every road," contains alliteration with the repeating "e" sound.

The line that contains alliteration is "Every way ends, every road." In this line, the words "Every" and "ends" both start with the same sound, creating alliteration.

To identify alliteration in a given sentence or phrase, we need to look for the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Let's break down the two lines and analyze them:

1. "or find the same slope on the other side,"
- In this line, there is no repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

2. "Every way ends, every road,"
- In this line, we can notice the repetition of the "e" sound at the beginning of the words "Every" and "ends." This repetition of the same consonant sound qualifies as alliteration.

Therefore, the second line, "Every way ends, every road," contains alliteration.