The cost of renting a kayak for one or more days is given by the function K(n) = 120 + 55n







, where n is the number of days and K(n) is the cost in dollars. What is the value of K( 9 − 3)








First, we need to simplify the expression inside the parentheses: 9-3 = 6.

Next, we substitute 6 in for n in the function K(n):

K(6) = 120 + 55(6)

K(6) = 120 + 330

K(6) = 450

Therefore, the value of K(9-3) is $450. Answer: $\boxed{450}$.

To find the value of K(9 - 3), we need to substitute the value of (9 - 3) into the function K(n) = 120 + 55n.

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses
9 - 3 = 6

Step 2: Substitute the value into the function
K(6) = 120 + 55(6)
K(6) = 120 + 330
K(6) = 450

Therefore, the value of K(9 - 3) is $450.

To find the value of K(9 - 3), we need to substitute the value of (9 - 3) into the function K(n) = 120 + 55n.

So, K(9 - 3) = 120 + 55(9 - 3).

Now, we can simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

K(9 - 3) = 120 + 55(6).

Next, we can perform the multiplication:

K(9 - 3) = 120 + 330.

Finally, we can add the two values together to get the final answer:

K(9 - 3) = 450.