Wave Characteristics Quick Check

this is correct for connexus academy 10th grade physical science as of 4/10/2023

1. Which type of wave needs a medium to travel?
💗 sound waves, because they travel by oscillating molecules

2. What do both sound and light waves transfer?
💗 energy

3. How does an increase in amplitude affect sound and light waves?
💗 louder sound and brighter light

4. What happens to the wavelength when the frequency increases?
💗 The wavelength decreases.

5.Which of the following is true about sound waves?
💗 Sound moves faster in the ocean than in the air.

hope this helps <3


PHYSICS B: UNIT 5: WAVES Lesson 2-6 on qu1zlet has the answers for most of the unit!


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Great! Here are the correct answers based on the information you provided:

1. Sound waves need a medium to travel because they travel by oscillating molecules.

2. Both sound and light waves transfer energy.

3. An increase in amplitude affects sound waves by making them louder and light waves by making them brighter.

4. When the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases.

5. Sound moves faster in the ocean than in the air.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Question 1: Which type of wave needs a medium to travel?

Answer: Sound waves need a medium to travel. This is because sound waves propagate by vibrating or oscillating molecules in a medium, such as air, water, or solids. Without a medium, sound waves cannot travel.

Question 2: What do both sound and light waves transfer?
Answer: Both sound and light waves transfer energy. Sound waves transfer energy by causing particles in a medium to vibrate, while light waves transfer energy through oscillations of electric and magnetic fields.

Question 3: How does an increase in amplitude affect sound and light waves?
Answer: An increase in amplitude affects sound and light waves in different ways. In sound waves, an increase in amplitude results in a louder sound. This means that the sound waves carry more energy, causing the perception of a higher volume. In light waves, an increase in amplitude results in a brighter light. This means that the light waves carry more energy, causing the perception of increased intensity or brightness.

Question 4: What happens to the wavelength when the frequency increases?
Answer: When the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength decreases. The frequency of a wave refers to the number of complete cycles or oscillations that the wave completes in a given time. The wavelength, on the other hand, refers to the distance between two corresponding points on the wave, such as two peaks or two troughs. In general, as the frequency increases, the wave becomes more compressed, resulting in a shorter wavelength.

Question 5: Which of the following is true about sound waves?
Answer: Sound moves faster in the ocean than in the air. This statement is true. Sound waves travel faster in denser mediums, such as water, compared to less dense mediums, such as air. The molecules in water are more tightly packed together than in air, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently and at a faster speed.

@mmyoui is correct for 2024 thanks mmyoui