The lowest frequency that we can hear is about 20 hertz. If the speed of sound in air is 340 meters/second, what is the wavelength of that low sound?(1 point)


A. 170 m

B. 6,800 m

C. 0.059 m

D. 17 m

C. 0.059 m

To find the wavelength of a sound wave, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

Given that the lowest frequency we can hear is 20 hertz and the speed of sound in air is 340 meters/second, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Wavelength = 340 m/s / 20 Hz

Calculating this, we get:

Wavelength = 17 m

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. 17 m.

To find the wavelength of a sound wave, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

In this case, the lowest frequency we can hear is given as 20 hertz, and the speed of sound in air is 340 meters/second. Let's plug these values into the formula:

Wavelength = 340 meters/second / 20 hertz

Simplifying this:

Wavelength = 17 meters

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 17 m