In chapter 5 when Gatsby reunites with Daisy, Fitzgerald writes,

“His [Gatsby’s] head leaned back so far that it rested against the face of a defunct [broken] mantelpiece clock and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy who was sitting frightened but graceful on the edge of a stiff chair.”
Which theme is best reflected in this passage?

The American Dream
You Can't Repeat the Past
New Money/ Old Money
The Roaring 20s

You Can't Repeat the Past

To determine which theme is best reflected in this passage, we need to examine the details and context provided by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the given passage, Gatsby's head is leaning back against a broken mantelpiece clock while his distraught eyes are fixed on Daisy, who is sitting anxiously on the edge of a stiff chair.

To identify the theme, we have to consider the underlying message or idea that this scene conveys. One way to approach this is by analyzing the characteristics associated with each theme and seeing which one aligns most closely with the passage.

1. The American Dream: The American Dream typically represents the pursuit of wealth, success, and happiness. While Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy can be seen as a manifestation of the American Dream, this particular passage does not directly emphasize those aspects.

2. You Can't Repeat the Past: This theme explores the idea that the past cannot be re-created or relived. In the passage, Gatsby's intense gaze and the broken mantelpiece clock symbolize his attempt to recapture the past, specifically his past relationship with Daisy.

3. New Money/Old Money: This theme examines the distinction between individuals who have recently acquired wealth (new money) and those who come from established wealth and social status (old money). Although this theme is significant throughout the novel, this particular passage does not directly address this theme.

4. The Roaring 20s: This theme delves into the excess, decadence, and partying of the 1920s. While this theme forms the backdrop of the novel and influences various aspects of the characters' lives, it is not explicitly depicted in this passage.

Considering the information given, the theme that best aligns with the passage is "You Can't Repeat the Past." The broken mantelpiece clock symbolizes Gatsby's futile attempt to recapture past glory and his obsession with reliving a bygone era. The use of words like "distraught" and "frightened" suggests the tension and unease that arise from Gatsby's longing for a past that cannot be resurrected.

It is important to note that themes can be interpreted differently by readers, so alternative perspectives or alternate themes could also be valid.

The theme best reflected in this passage is "You Can't Repeat the Past."