What does "ratio" mean in YouTube?

Simple definition please.

Ratio in YouTube refers to the comparison between the number of likes and dislikes a video has received.

In the context of YouTube, the term "ratio" typically refers to the ratio of likes to dislikes on a video. Specifically, it represents the proportion of users who have expressed their approval (via likes) versus those who have expressed their disapproval (via dislikes).

To determine the ratio of a video on YouTube, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the video you're interested in on YouTube.
2. Scroll down below the video player to find the Like and Dislike buttons.
3. Observe the numbers displayed next to the thumbs-up (like) and thumbs-down (dislike) icons.
4. Take note of the total number of likes and dislikes.

The ratio can be calculated by dividing the number of likes by the number of dislikes. For example, if a video has 1,000 likes and 100 dislikes, the ratio would be 10:1 (10 likes for every dislike).

This ratio provides an indicator of the general sentiment towards the video. A higher ratio with a greater number of likes compared to dislikes usually signifies a positive reception, while a lower ratio or a higher number of dislikes may suggest a less favorable response from viewers. However, it's essential to consider that a ratio alone cannot fully determine the overall quality or value of a video.

In the context of YouTube, the term "ratio" refers to the ratio of likes to dislikes on a video. It is an indicator of the general reception or feedback a video has received from viewers.