Write an equation of a parabola with a vertex at the origin and a directrix at y = 5.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

y=0 is not even a parabola!

recall that x^2 = 4py has vertex at (0,0) and directrix y=-p
so we have p = -5, giving us
x^2 = -20y
y = -1/20 x^2

you can check this at
wolframalpha. com/input?i=parabola+y+%3D+-1%2F20+x%5E2

Since the vertex is at the origin, the equation of the parabola takes the form y = ax^2.

The distance from a point (x,y) on the parabola to the directrix y = 5 is |y - 5|. The distance from the same point to the vertex (0,0) is equal to the distance from the point to the focus (0,-a/4).

Using the distance formula, we have:

|y - 5| = dist((x,y), (0,-a/4))

= sqrt((x-0)^2 + (y + a/4)^2)

= sqrt(x^2 + (y + a/4)^2)

Squaring both sides, we get:

(y - 5)^2 = x^2 + (y + a/4)^2

Expanding and simplifying, we get:

x^2 + (3/16)a^2 - 5y = 0

We know that the vertex is at (0,0), so plugging this in gives:

0 + (3/16)a^2 - 5(0) = 0

Simplifying, we get:

a^2 = 0

Therefore, the equation of the parabola is y = 0.