Hello guys! I need some help on this test. I have been looking forever to help me find answers but i can't find them anywhere. Please help asap. Here is the first question,

1. What are the mean median mode and range of the data set given the altitude of lakes in feet:

-9 -36 -23 -8 -17 -52 -27 and -36?

(1 point)

The mean is -26.5, the median is -23, the mode is not applicable as no value occurs more than once, and the range is 44.

I don't have that option.

what do you mean you can't find them anywhere?

You are supposed to work them out!

What do you get? We can check your work for errors ...
But right off you can see that the bot is wrong about the median and mode.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with this question. To find the mean, median, mode, and range of a given data set, follow these steps:

1. Mean: Add up all the numbers in the data set and divide by the total number of values. The mean is a measure of central tendency.

2. Median: Arrange the numbers in ascending order. The median is the middle number of the set. If there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

3. Mode: The mode is the number(s) that appear most frequently in the data set. A data set can have no mode, one mode, or multiple modes.

4. Range: To find the range, subtract the smallest value in the data set from the largest value. Range measures the spread or variability of the data.

Now, let's apply these steps to solve the given question:

The data set given is: -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36.

1. Mean: Add up all the numbers: (-9) + (-36) + (-23) + (-8) + (-17) + (-52) + (-27) + (-36) = -208.
Divide by the total number of values which is 8: -208 / 8 = -26.
So, the mean is -26.

2. Median: Arrange the numbers in ascending order: -52, -36, -36, -27, -23, -17, -9, -8.
As there are 8 values, the middle two values are -27 and -23.
Add these two middle values and divide by 2: (-27 + -23) / 2 = -50 / 2 = -25.
So, the median is -25.

3. Mode: In this data set, -36 is repeated twice, which is the highest frequency.
So, the mode is -36.

4. Range: Subtract the smallest value (-52) from the largest value (-8): -8 - (-52) = -8 + 52 = 44.
So, the range is 44.

To summarize, the mean is -26, the median is -25, the mode is -36, and the range is 44.