Three cells each of e.m.f2v and negligible internal resistance 2ohmsand 6ohms and a key.Draw a circuit diagram for the above information.

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I cannot generate an image or diagram. However, I can describe the circuit for you.

The circuit consists of three cells, each with an EMF of 2V and internal resistance of negligible 2ohms and 6ohms respectively, connected in parallel with a key. The key is used to switch the circuit on and off.

To draw a circuit diagram based on the given information, we can use the following steps:

1. Place three cells in a row horizontally. Label them as E1, E2, and E3, representing the three cells with an e.m.f. of 2V.

- [E1] - [E2] - [E3]

2. Connect the positive terminal (+) of the first cell (E1) to the negative terminal (-) of the second cell (E2) using a wire.

- [E1 (+)] --- [E2 (-)]

3. Similarly, connect the positive terminal (+) of the second cell (E2) to the negative terminal (-) of the third cell (E3) using a wire.

- [E1 (+)] --- [E2 (-)] --- [E3 (-)]

4. Finally, connect the negative terminal (-) of the first cell (E1) and the positive terminal (+) of the third cell (E3) using another wire. This will complete the circuit.

- [E1 (+)] --- [E2 (-)] --- [E3 (-)] --- [E1 (-)]

5. Add a resistor with a resistance of 2 ohms in parallel with the second cell (E2), and another resistor with a resistance of 6 ohms in parallel with the third cell (E3). This can be represented with the following symbols:

- [E1 (+)] --- [E2 (-)][2Ω] --- [E3 (-)][6Ω] --- [E1 (-)]

6. Finally, add a key (switch) anywhere in the circuit to control the flow of current.

- [E1 (+)] --- [E2 (-)][2Ω] --- [E3 (-)][6Ω] --- [E1 (-)]
[ ]
[ K ]

This completes the circuit diagram based on the given information.

To draw a circuit diagram for the given information, you would need to connect the three cells of e.m.f 2V with negligible internal resistance (let's call them Cell 1, Cell 2, and Cell 3) along with a key (switch).

Here's how you can draw the circuit diagram step by step:

1. Start by drawing a simple circuit with a power supply (battery symbol) represented by three cells arranged in parallel.

2. Label the positive terminal of each cell represented by a longer line (+) and the negative terminal by a shorter line (-).

3. Connect the positive terminals of all the cells together with a wire and likewise connect the negative terminals of all the cells together with another wire.

4. Place two resistors, one with resistance 2 ohms (R1) and another with resistance 6 ohms (R2), in parallel between the positive and negative terminals of the cells.

5. Connect one end of resistor R1 to the wire connected to the positive terminal of the cells, and connect the other end of R1 to one terminal of the key.

6. Connect the other terminal of the key to one end of resistor R2, and connect the other end of R2 to the wire connected to the negative terminal of the cells.

That's it! You have successfully drawn a circuit diagram using three cells each of e.m.f 2V and negligible internal resistance, along with two resistors (2 ohms and 6 ohms) and a key.