which example represents a class 2 lever

a screwdriver opening a paint can

tweezers plucking hairs

salad tongs picking up salad

a car door being opened and shut

a car door being opened and shut represents a class 2 lever.

WHich statement best describes energy?

Energy is the ability to do work (my answer)
Energy is the force that causes movement in an object
ENergy is a psh or pull on an object tahat will change the motion of the object
Energy is the power derived from the utilization of simple machines

Energy is the ability to do work.

which statement best describes work?

Wirk is done whenever an object is held in lace by multiple forces
Work is done when an object continues in motion without a push
Work is done when ever a force acts on an object
Work is done when a force causes an object to move (my answer)

Work is done when a force causes an object to move.

A shovel performs several different functions. One of thse is that it gives mechanical advantage as a lever. WHen does it act like a lever?

WHen the push the shovel into the dirt and a small force allows you to push into the dirt easily.
WHen you step up onto the shovel with both feet to use your body weight
When the soil is lifted with the dirt at the end and a lifting force at the handle (my answer).
When the shovel is in the dirt and you push down against the end of the shovel, making it pivot.

When the soil is lifted with the dirt at the end and a lifting force at the handle, the shovel acts like a lever.