Which rational number is between −8.16 and −8.17










B. −8.155


-8.17 < -8.165 < -8.16

so -8.165

To find a rational number between -8.16 and -8.17, we can use the average of these two numbers.

The average of -8.16 and -8.17 is (-8.16 + -8.17) / 2 = -16.33 / 2 = -8.165.

Therefore, the rational number that is between -8.16 and -8.17 is -8.165.

The correct answer is C. -8.165.

To find a rational number between -8.16 and -8.17, we need to look for a number with a lower tenths place value than -8.16 and a higher hundredths place value than -8.17. Let's compare the tenths and hundredths place values of the given numbers:

A. -8.145 has a tenths place of 1 and a hundredths place of 45.
B. -8.155 has a tenths place of 1 and a hundredths place of 55.
C. -8.165 has a tenths place of 1 and a hundredths place of 65.
D. -8.175 has a tenths place of 1 and a hundredths place of 75.

Comparing the four options, we can see that the number with the lowest tenths place and the highest hundredths place is -8.165, which is option C. Therefore, the correct answer is C. -8.165.