Which sentence is punctuated correctly to include the nonrestrictive parenthetical element?

My brother, a truck driver spends a great deal of time on the road.
My brother, a truck, driver spends a great deal of time on the road.
My brother, a truck driver, spends a great deal of time on the road.****
My brother a truck driver, spends a great deal of time on the road.

2. Jenna is researching butterfly migration for a school paper. She finds an article about butterflies on Wikipedia. Can she trust this as a credible source?

Yes, because Wikipedia is a trusted encyclopedia.
No, because information on Wikipedia can be edited by anyone.****
Yes, because articles on Wikipedia are thoroughly fact checked.
No, because no internet sources are credible.
3. Which choice is the best paraphrase of this paragraph?

Brazil is the largest country in South America. With a population of 214.3 million, it is four times the size as the next largest country of Colombia. Suriname is the smallest country in South America with only 613,000 people living in it.

The two countries of Brazil and Suriname are two countries in South America.
Suriname and Brazil are the smallest and largest countries in South America.
Brazil is the most likeable place in South America to live.
The biggest country in South America is Brazil, while the tiniest country is Suriname. ****
4. If you are using an exact sentence from another source in your writing, what must you include?

Your opinion on the sentence.
Quotation marks and the name of the source. ****
A picture of the source.
Parenthesis and commas to set the quotation off.

5. You are writing a research article on how a human heart works. What would be the MOST helpful to include in your article for your readers to understand?

A lengthy description of how the heart works that includes jargon and domain specific vocabulary.
A video of a heart rate monitor while someone runs on a treadmill.
A diagram of a heart with labels for the different parts and the direction the blood flows.
A podcast featuring a doctor talking about heart disease.****

6. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?

A primary source comes directly from a person that saw an event while a secondary source comes from a person who was not there.****
A primary source is the first source you find and a secondary source is the second source you find.
A primary source must be written and a secondary source must be a recording.
There is no difference.

7. Choose the source that would be the most effective for each piece of information.

Row one
8. What is a bibliography?
1 point
An explanation of why you chose your sources.
A book about the topic you are writing about.
A video containing information about your sources.
A record or page containing information about the sources used in a text.
9. Determine if each source is likely to be credible or biased for the topic listed.
4 points
Credible Biased
Topic: the governor of your state. Source: the governor's spouse
Topic: the effects of cigarette smoking. Source: interview with a medical doctor
Topic: The Civil War. Source: a book on American history
Topic: year-round school. Source: Blog post by a student.
Topic: the governor of your state. Source: the governor's spouse
Topic: the effects of cigarette smoking. Source: interview with a medical doctor
Topic: The Civil War. Source: a book on American history
Topic: year-round school. Source: Blog post by a student.

In one paragraph, explain the following:
-What is plagiarism?
-Why should you avoid plagiarism in your writing?
-How can you avoid plagiarism in your writing?

Be sure to write using standard, formal English using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
4 points

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them proper credit. It can take many forms, including copying and pasting text, paraphrasing without citing the source, and using someone else's ideas without acknowledging them. Plagiarism is considered unethical and dishonest, as it misrepresents the author's work and violates intellectual property rights. It is important to avoid plagiarism in writing to maintain academic integrity and respect the intellectual contributions of others. To avoid plagiarism, one can use proper citation methods, such as APA or MLA styles, and be sure to cite all sources used in research or writing. Additionally, paraphrasing should be done in one's own words and ideas, not simply rewording someone else's work. By taking these steps, one can ensure that their writing is original and gives credit where credit is due.