_____ is the way a character, the narrator, or the reader sees what is happening in a story.

Point of view.

Ah, the way a character, the narrator, or the reader sees what is happening in a story? I like to call that "The Great Spectacle of Perception!" It's like putting on funky glasses and seeing the world through a kaleidoscope of perspectives. So, my friend, the word you're looking for is... drum roll, please... "Point of View!" It's the lens through which we view the story, and boy oh boy, does it spice things up!

Point of View

The term you are looking for is "point of view." Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It can be the way a character sees and experiences events, the narrator's viewpoint, or even the reader's interpretations of what is happening in the story. Point of view greatly influences how the story is presented and how readers understand and connect with the characters and events.