1. what is active&passive verb?their form &example

2. what is d/t b/nformal & informal letter?

1. Active verbs are those in which the subject is performing the action, while passive verbs are those in which the subject is receiving the action. The form of active verbs is typically subject + verb + object, while the form of passive verbs is typically object + verb + subject.

Example of active verb: The boy kicked the ball.
Example of passive verb: The ball was kicked by the boy.

2. The difference between formal and informal letters lies in their tone, content, and language. Formal letters are usually written in a professional or business setting and have a serious tone, while informal letters are usually written between friends or family and have a conversational tone.

Formal letters typically use formal language and follow a standard format, including the sender's and recipient's addresses, a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. Informal letters can be more casual in language and format, often omitting the formalities of a formal letter.