A hotel wants to develop a green roof that is easy to maintain. The roof can only support about 20 pounds per square foot. What is the best type of green roof for their space?

1. extensive

2. external

3. intensive

4. internal

1. Extensive.

Well, if the hotel wants a green roof that's both easy to maintain and won't cause any structural damage, they should consider an extensive green roof. It's the lightest option of the bunch, like a dieter's salad of greenery. Plus, with only 20 pounds per square foot to work with, they definitely don't want to go overboard and end up with an intensive green roof that requires a crane to water. Keep it simple, keep it lightweight!

The best type of green roof for a space with a limited weight capacity of 20 pounds per square foot would be an extensive green roof.

To determine the best type of green roof for the hotel's space, we need to understand the options and their characteristics.

1. Extensive Green Roof: Extensive green roofs are lightweight and low-maintenance. They typically consist of a thin layer of soil or growing medium and are planted with shallow-rooted plants, such as sedums or mosses. They require less water and minimal maintenance, making them suitable for spaces with weight restrictions.

2. External Green Roof: The term "external green roof" is not commonly used. It's possible that you may be referring to an alternative term or a specific type of green roof system not commonly used in this context.

3. Intensive Green Roof: Intensive green roofs are more like traditional gardens. They have a higher load-bearing capacity and require deeper soil depth, allowing for a wider variety of plants including shrubs, trees, and even small gardens. They can support more plant diversity but also require more maintenance and irrigation.

4. Internal Green Roof: The term "internal green roof" is not commonly used to describe a type of green roof. It's possible that you may be referring to a green roof system installed within an enclosed or internal space, but it's not clear in this context.

Given the hotel's weight restrictions of 20 pounds per square foot, the best option would be an extensive green roof. It meets the weight requirements and has low maintenance needs, making it a practical choice for the hotel.