he European Union and INTERPOL work together on several joint ventures that preserve international public safety, one of which is irregular migration. What international crime does focusing on irregular migration help mitigate? (1 point) Responses

A. human trafficking
B.drug trafficking
C. money laundering
D. cybercrime

A. human trafficking

To determine which international crime focusing on irregular migration helps mitigate, we can examine the question and the options provided. The question states that the European Union and INTERPOL collaborate on joint ventures to preserve international public safety, specifically mentioning irregular migration. The options given are:

A. human trafficking
B. drug trafficking
C. money laundering
D. cybercrime

In this case, the correct answer is A. human trafficking. Irregular migration refers to the movement of individuals without proper authorization or in violation of immigration laws. This can create opportunities for human traffickers to exploit vulnerable migrants, subjecting them to forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of coercion.

Therefore, by focusing on irregular migration, efforts can be made to address and mitigate human trafficking, which is a significant international crime.

A. human trafficking