The Founding Fathers gained support for the Constitution by promising.......


all free males would be able to vote
all free males would be able to vote

citizens would not be required to pay taxes
citizens would not be required to pay taxes

the President would be from the South
the President would be from the South

a Bill of Rights would be established to protect individual freedoms

a Bill of Rights would be established to protect individual freedoms

To confirm which option is correct, we need to gather historical information about the Founding Fathers and their strategies to gain support for the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers, during the process of drafting and ratifying the Constitution, employed various methods to gain public support. One crucial strategy they implemented was the promise to establish a Bill of Rights to protect individual freedoms. This commitment was crucial in gaining support from the anti-federalists, who were concerned about the potential concentration of power in the federal government.

To verify this information, you can refer to reliable historical sources such as books, articles, and academic websites that discuss the creation and ratification of the Constitution. These sources will provide detailed insights into the motivations and actions of the Founding Fathers and how they gained support for the Constitution.

a Bill of Rights would be established to protect individual freedoms