Which of the following is an economic need rather than a want?

A. sugar
B. sunglasses
C. healthcare
D. vacation

C. healthcare

The economic need rather than a want among the given options is C. healthcare. Healthcare is considered an economic need because it is necessary for maintaining and improving one's health, which is essential for survival and well-being. While sugar, sunglasses, and vacation are all considered wants, as they are not essential for survival.

To determine which of the options is an economic need rather than a want, we need to understand the difference between needs and wants.

Needs refer to the basic requirements for human survival and well-being, such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare. These are things that are essential for living a healthy and secure life.

Wants, on the other hand, are desires or preferences that are not necessary for survival but add to our enjoyment or comfort. These can include things like luxury items, entertainment, or vacations.

Considering the options given:

A. Sugar: Sugar is not a basic requirement for survival. It is considered a want because it enhances the taste of food but is not essential for fulfilling our basic needs.

B. Sunglasses: Sunglasses can be categorized as a want, as they are not essential for survival or well-being. They are used primarily for comfort and fashion purposes.

C. Healthcare: Healthcare is an economic need. It is a basic requirement for maintaining good health and addressing medical issues. Access to healthcare services is crucial for ensuring the well-being and longevity of individuals.

D. Vacation: Vacations are typically categorized as wants rather than needs. While they can contribute to relaxation, enjoyment, and personal growth, they are not essential for survival or meeting basic needs.

Based on this analysis, option C, healthcare, is an economic need rather than a want.