What is the name of the cell produced on the underside of a fern that can grow into a new fern


The name of the cell produced on the underside of a fern that can grow into a new fern is called a "spore." Spores are single cells that are capable of developing into new individuals through a process called "spore germination." To find this information, you can start by conducting a basic search using a search engine such as Google or Bing. Enter a query such as "fern reproduction" or "fern spore," and you should be able to find reliable sources that provide more details about the specific cell responsible for fern propagation.

The name of the cell produced on the underside of a fern that can grow into a new fern is called a spore. Spores are tiny reproductive structures produced by ferns and other plants. When a spore lands in a suitable environment, it can germinate and develop into a new fern plant.