Select the correct answer from the list. Writers create ___ by leading the reader to expect something to happen.

a. humor
b. irony
c. drama
d. suspense

d. suspense

d. suspense

To select the correct answer, we need to understand the different options given and how writers create them. Let's break it down:

a. Humor: Humor refers to the funny or amusing aspects of a story. While writers can certainly use humor to engage readers, it doesn't necessarily involve leading the reader to expect something to happen.

b. Irony: Irony is a literary device where the intended meaning of a situation is different from its actual outcome. While writers can use irony to create unexpected twists, it doesn't necessarily involve leading the reader to expect something to happen.

c. Drama: Drama refers to a genre of storytelling that focuses on intense emotions, conflicts, and character interactions. While dramatic stories can involve leading the reader to expect something, it's a broader term that doesn't exclusively imply this technique.

d. Suspense: Suspense is the feeling of anticipation or uncertainty about the outcome of events. It refers to when writers deliberately create tension and build up the reader's curiosity by leading them to expect something to happen. This option aligns with the given question.

So, the correct answer is d. suspense. Writers create suspense by leading the reader to expect something to happen.