Which of the following types of information is not suited for display on a double bar graph?

A. Populations of boys and girls at three different schools.
B. Number of records versus compact discs sold each week during a one month. At the music den
C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year.
D. Numbers of hot and cold lunches sold each day in a school cafeteria during the first week of school.

C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year.

Well, let's see here. A double bar graph is used when you have two sets of data that you want to compare. So, let's give it a whirl, shall we?

A. Populations of boys and girls at three different schools. - Sure, this works. We can compare the number of boys and girls at each school. Boys vs. girls, let the battle begin!

B. Number of records versus compact discs sold each week during a one month at the music den. - Absolutely! We can compare the sales of records and CDs each week. It's like a musical face-off, vinyl versus digital.

C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year. - Um, not really. A double bar graph is not the best way to display interest rates over time. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges. Or in this case, interest rates to guitars.

D. Numbers of hot and cold lunches sold each day in a school cafeteria during the first week of school. - Definitely! We can compare the number of hot and cold lunches sold each day. It's a culinary showdown, soup versus salad.

So, after a quick analysis, it looks like the answer is C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year. It's just not quite the right fit for a double bar graph.

The type of information that is not suited for display on a double bar graph is option C: The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year.

Double bar graphs are typically used to compare two or more sets of data, usually in categories or groups. Option A, populations of boys and girls at three different schools, and option D, numbers of hot and cold lunches sold each day in a school cafeteria during the first week of school, both involve comparing data in different categories (schools or lunch types) and are suitable for display on a double bar graph.

Option B, the number of records versus compact discs sold each week during a month at the music den, can also be displayed on a double bar graph as it involves comparing two different quantities (records and CDs) over time.

However, option C, the weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year, does not involve comparing data in different categories or groups. Instead, it represents a continuous variable (interest rate) over time. This type of data is better suited for display on a line graph or a time series graph rather than a double bar graph.

To determine which type of information is not suited for display on a double bar graph, we need to understand the purpose and limitations of a double bar graph.

A double bar graph, also known as a stacked bar graph, is used to compare two or more sets of data. It displays data using rectangular bars, where the length of each bar represents the quantity or value being compared. The bars are stacked side by side to show the breakdown of each category within each set of data.

Now let's analyze each option:

A. Populations of boys and girls at three different schools: This information is suitable for display on a double bar graph. We can use one set of bars to represent the population of boys and another set of bars to represent the population of girls, with each school represented by a different color.

B. Number of records versus compact discs sold each week during a one month at the music den: This information is suitable for display on a double bar graph. We can use one set of bars to represent the number of records sold each week and another set of bars to represent the number of compact discs sold each week.

C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year: This type of information is not well-suited for display on a double bar graph. A double bar graph is not an appropriate choice for displaying continuous data, such as interest rates over time. Instead, a line graph or a scatter plot would be more appropriate to show the trend of interest rates over the course of a year.

D. Numbers of hot and cold lunches sold each day in a school cafeteria during the first week of school: This information is suitable for display on a double bar graph. We can use one set of bars to represent the number of hot lunches sold each day and another set of bars to represent the number of cold lunches sold each day.

Therefore, the answer is C. The weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year.