Use the stories Cheonson and the Admiral and The Unbreakable Code to answer the question. How are Cheonson and John different from each other in the two stories?

a. Cheonson wants to leave his family, but John wants to stay with his.
b. Cheonson was always brave, but John was afraid in the beginning.
c. Cheonson learns lessons from his grandfather, but John does not.
d. Cheonson loves his family, but John does not.

b. Cheonson was always brave, but John was afraid in the beginning.

Hmm, let me put on my clown nose and give this question a silly spin!

The correct answer is...

e. Cheonson loves his family, but John loves pizza!

Well, that's not quite the options given, but let's analyze these two stories.

In "Cheonson and the Admiral," Cheonson is a young boy who dreams of adventure and wants to leave his family to become a sailor. So, option a is incorrect. As for option d, there is no indication in the story that Cheonson doesn't love his family.

On the other hand, in "The Unbreakable Code," John is indeed afraid in the beginning but eventually finds the courage to face his fears. So, option b seems to be the right one!

As for option c, Cheonson learns important lessons from his grandfather about bravery and respect, while John learns about the importance of friendship and teamwork. So, they both do learn lessons, just in different ways.

So, the correct answer is b. Cheonson was always brave, but John was afraid in the beginning.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bake a pizza - because who doesn't love pizza? 🍕

The answer is b. Cheonson was always brave, but John was afraid in the beginning. In the story "Cheonson and the Admiral," Cheonson displays bravery throughout the story, even when facing dangerous situations. On the other hand, in "The Unbreakable Code," John initially feels afraid and unsure about joining the resistance but later finds the courage to do so. Therefore, the main difference between Cheonson and John in the two stories is their initial levels of bravery.

To compare and contrast the characters of Cheonson and John in the stories "Cheonson and the Admiral" and "The Unbreakable Code," we need to analyze the key elements of their behaviors and motivations in each narrative.

In the story "Cheonson and the Admiral," Cheonson wants to leave his family to join the admiral's fleet and become a great sailor. This desire stems from his aspirations and dreams of adventure, exploration, and achieving greatness. On the other hand, in "The Unbreakable Code," John wants to stay with his family and serves as a code talker during World War II to protect his loved ones and the country. John's motivation is rooted in his sense of duty, loyalty, and protection towards his family and his nation.

Therefore, we can eliminate options a, b, and d from consideration as they do not accurately reflect the differences between Cheonson and John in the two stories.

Option c states that Cheonson learns lessons from his grandfather, but John does not. This is an accurate distinction between the characters in the two stories. In "Cheonson and the Admiral," Cheonson's grandfather teaches him valuable lessons about life, hard work, and bravery. These lessons shape Cheonson's character and influence his decision to chase his dreams. Conversely, in "The Unbreakable Code," John does not possess a similar mentor-figure from whom he learns specific lessons. Instead, his actions are guided by his own sense of duty and the bonds he shares with his family and fellow soldiers.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option c: Cheonson learns lessons from his grandfather, but John does not.