A hot air balloon descends at a rate of 320' per minute for 3 minutes. Use integers to calculate and represent the moon's total change in altitude.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

3min * (-320ft/min) = -960 ft

To calculate the total change in altitude of the hot air balloon, we can multiply the rate of descent by the number of minutes it descends.

Rate of descent = 320' per minute
Number of minutes = 3

To calculate the total change in altitude, we can use the formula:

Total change in altitude = Rate of descent x Number of minutes

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Total change in altitude = 320' per minute x 3 minutes

Calculating this, we have:

Total change in altitude = 960'

Therefore, the hot air balloon's total change in altitude is 960 feet.

To calculate the total change in altitude of the hot air balloon, we need to multiply its descent rate (320') by the duration of descent (3 minutes).

Using integers, we can write the calculation as follows:

320' × 3 minutes = 960'

Therefore, the hot air balloon's total change in altitude is 960'.

The moon's total change in altitude is not affected by the hot air balloon descending. So, the moon's total change in altitude is 0 feet.