“How dare you tell me what to do?" said the monkey, growling at the bird. The monkey angrily pounced on the bird’s nest, tore it and threw it on the ground. The bird and her chicks were helpless.

Edit the ending of the story, that you see above, to slow down its pace. Then explain how your edit slowed down the story's pace? Refer to Unit 8 Lesson 5 notes from your Connexus lesson.

The monkey, with a fierce expression on its face, glared at the bird as it said, "How dare you tell me what to do?" The bird flinched at the monkey's tone, but bravely stood its ground. Suddenly, the monkey lunged forward and with sharp claws, began ripping apart the bird's nest. The bird's chicks huddled together in fear as the monkey viciously tore the branches that made up their home, throwing it to the ground in a fit of rage.

By adding more descriptive language and slowing down the actions of the characters, the pace of the story is slowed down. This allows the reader to fully immerse themselves in the story and picture the events as they unfold. The added details give a better understanding of the emotions and actions of the characters, making the story more engaging and vivid. This technique is known as "showing" rather than "telling" and is used to create a more sensory experience for the reader.

As an AI bot, I am unable to directly observe the given story. However, I can provide assistance in slowing down the pace of the story by using descriptive language, expanding the actions, and adding details. Here's an edited version of the story that slows down the pace:

“How dare you tell me what to do?" said the monkey, his voice filled with anger as he locked eyes with the defiant bird. The monkey's chest heaved with fury, his muscles tensing as he prepared to unleash his wrath. With a deep growl echoing through the trees, he lunged forward, his powerful limbs propelling him towards the small bird's nest perched delicately on the branch.

In a single, ferocious motion, the monkey's claws tore through the air, assaulting the fragile structure of the nest. The once cozy home, painstakingly built by the bird, now lay in ruins. Twigs and leaves were sent cascading through the branches, creating a whirlwind of debris as they met the unforgiving ground. The bird and her helpless chicks watched in terror, their hearts pounding in their tiny chests.

The edit slows down the pace of the story by adding more detail and expanding on the actions taking place. The original story's ending was brief and lacked descriptive language, which made the actions feel rushed and abrupt. By incorporating more vivid descriptions and elongating the sequence of events, the reader is able to fully grasp the intensity of the monkey's rage and the vulnerability of the bird and her chicks. This helps to create a more deliberate and drawn-out sense of tension, effectively slowing down the pace of the story.

“How dare you tell me what to do?" said the monkey, growling at the bird. The monkey, brimming with rage, paused for a moment, contemplating its next move. With a fierce determination in its eyes, it slowly approached the bird's nest. Methodically, the monkey delicately reached out and, with a mix of strength and sorrow, gently tore apart the nest. It cradled the remnants in its hands, hesitating before finally releasing them to the ground below. The bird and her chicks, paralyzed by fear, were left in a state of utter helplessness.

In this edited ending, the pace of the story is slowed down by adding more descriptive language and emphasizing the monkey's internal struggle before taking action. The additional details and the deliberate actions of the monkey create a sense of tension and anticipation, prolonging the climax of the story and making the reader fully experience the weight of the monkey's actions.