Determine which word choice in the following sentence provides a positive connotation.

The shaggy mane of the horse fell upon his gleaming coat.
A. gleaming
B. horse
C. fell upon
D. shaggy

A. gleaming.

A. gleaming

To determine which word choice in the sentence provides a positive connotation, we need to examine the words and their inherent meanings. A positive connotation refers to words that evoke positive emotions or associations.

Let's analyze the words in the sentence one by one:

A. gleaming: This word suggests that the horse's coat is bright, shining, or sparkling. It typically evokes a positive image. Therefore, "gleaming" is a word choice that provides a positive connotation.

B. horse: The word "horse" itself does not inherently have a positive or negative connotation. It is a neutral term that refers to the animal.

C. fell upon: This phrase simply describes the action of the shaggy mane coming into contact with the gleaming coat. It does not add a positive or negative connotation on its own.

D. shaggy: The word "shaggy" typically describes something with long, untidy, or unkempt hair. Depending on the context, it can carry either a positive or negative connotation. However, in this specific sentence, since it is mentioned alongside the word "gleaming," which provides a positive connotation, "shaggy" may be seen as contrasting and highlighting the visual appeal of the horse's coat. Thus, "shaggy" can be considered a word choice that provides a positive connotation.

Therefore, both options A (gleaming) and D (shaggy) can be seen as word choices that provide a positive connotation in the given sentence.