Hello! Please help me with these questions thank you!

Although the 15th amendment was added to insure the voting rights of African-American citizens, this right was restricted by the States.

A) voter identification laws
B) repealing the 14th amendment
C) adding land ownership requirements
D) use of literacy test and poll taxes

I chose a. Thanks!

You are correct! Voter identification laws were one of the methods through which voting rights of African-American citizens were restricted by the states.

Thank you so much! 😀

Good choice! The correct answer is D) use of literacy tests and poll taxes.

States used literacy tests and poll taxes as a means to restrict the voting rights of African-American citizens after the 15th Amendment was added. Literacy tests were exams that potential voters had to pass in order to prove their literacy skills and knowledge. These tests were often designed to be extremely difficult and unfair, with the intention of disenfranchising African-Americans who had limited access to education.

Poll taxes were fees that individuals had to pay in order to vote. They were often set at a high amount, making it difficult for many African-Americans, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds, to afford to vote. These two methods were used to circumvent the 15th Amendment which guaranteed the right to vote regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

So, the correct answer is D) use of literacy tests and poll taxes.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option and evaluate its relevance to the restriction of voting rights for African-American citizens after the 15th amendment was added.

A) Voter identification laws: While the need for voter identification laws has been a topic of debate, it is not directly related to the restriction of voting rights for African-American citizens after the 15th amendment. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

B) Repealing the 14th amendment: The 14th amendment deals with citizenship rights and equal protection under the law, not specifically with voting rights. As such, repealing the 14th amendment would not directly restrict voting rights for African-American citizens. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C) Adding land ownership requirements: In some states, land ownership requirements were implemented to suppress the voting rights of African-American citizens. However, this was more common during the Reconstruction period before the 15th amendment was ratified. As a result, option C is not the correct answer.

D) Use of literacy tests and poll taxes: The use of literacy tests and poll taxes was a widespread method used by Southern states to prevent African-American citizens from voting after the 15th amendment was passed. Literacy tests were often designed to be unfairly challenging, intended to disqualify African-American citizens from voting. Poll taxes required individuals to pay a fee, effectively disenfranchising many African-Americans who could not afford to do so. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

The correct answer is D) Use of literacy tests and poll taxes. These methods were commonly used by Southern states to restrict the voting rights of African-American citizens despite the protections provided by the 15th amendment.