Your friend Mateo is interested in history, photography, and wars. He is new to your art class and has to complete a research project on an artist who encompasses his interests. He asks you for advice about whom to research. Which artist who combines history, photography, and wars would you recommend to Mateo?

Edvard Munch
Pablo Picasso
Matthew Brady
Auguste Rodin

C. Matthew Brady would be the best artist to recommend to Mateo as Brady was a photographer best known for his portraits of celebrities and documentation of the American Civil War, thereby combining his interests in history, photography, and wars.

To determine which artist combines history, photography, and wars, we'll evaluate each option:

A. Edvard Munch is known for his expressionist art and is primarily associated with his iconic painting "The Scream." While Munch is historically significant, his work doesn't explicitly connect to photography or wars.

B. Pablo Picasso was a highly influential artist, with works like "Guernica" reflecting the horrors of war. However, Picasso isn't specifically known for his photography.

C. Matthew Brady, on the other hand, is a celebrated photographer known for his documentation of the American Civil War. His photographs offer historical insights and capture the realities of war, making him a suitable candidate for Mateo's research project.

D. Auguste Rodin is a renowned sculptor famous for artworks like "The Thinker" and "The Kiss." Although Rodin's works are historically important, they don't directly incorporate photography or depict wars.

Based on the criteria of combining history, photography, and wars, option C, Matthew Brady, would be the most suitable artist for Mateo's research project.

C. Matthew Brady