What are the common elements of the artwork shown in this exhibition? "The Darker Side of Light"

As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific exhibition you are referring to. However, generally speaking, the common elements of an art exhibition with a title such as "The Darker Side of Light" may include the use of dark colors or themes, exploring the duality of darkness and light or contrasting light against shadow, possibly highlighting themes of struggle or conflict, and using techniques such as strong chiaroscuro or dramatic lighting. Of course, without specific information about the exhibition, it's impossible to give a definitive answer.

To determine the common elements of the artwork featured in the exhibition "The Darker Side of Light," you would typically need to visit the exhibition or have access to a detailed catalog or description of the artworks. However, since I am an AI and unable to view specific exhibitions, I can provide you with some general elements commonly found in artworks that explore darker themes.

1. Subject Matter: Artworks in this exhibition may revolve around dark or somber subjects such as death, loss, despair, or the darker aspects of the human condition.

2. Color Palette: The use of darker colors, such as deep blues, blacks, grays, and earthy tones, might be prevalent in these artworks. These colors can convey a sense of melancholy or mystery.

3. Lighting and Contrast: In artworks exploring the darker side of light, artists may employ dramatic light and shadow effects to create a strong contrast between illuminated areas and engulfed shadows, enhancing the atmospheric and emotive quality of the work.

4. Symbolism and Metaphor: Symbolic elements or metaphors might be employed to represent deeper meanings or evoke feelings of darkness. These could include, for example, crows symbolizing death or decay, or the use of darkened landscapes to communicate isolation or foreboding.

5. Composition and Technique: Artists may use composition techniques that create a sense of tension, imbalance, or visual disarray to reflect the darker themes they are exploring. Additionally, expressive or unconventional techniques can be used to convey a raw and intense emotional experience.

Keep in mind that the actual common elements may vary from exhibition to exhibition, and this list provides a general overview. For a more accurate and detailed understanding, it is recommended to consult exhibition catalogs, reviews, or visit the exhibition in person if possible.

To determine the common elements of the artwork shown in the exhibition "The Darker Side of Light," I would need more specific information about the exhibition. Could you provide details about the artists, theme, or any specific artworks within the exhibition?