Acts 11 commentary

The eleventh chapter of the book of Acts in the Bible recounts the story of how the apostle Peter defends his decision to baptize Gentiles (non-Jewish individuals) in the name of Jesus Christ. Some Jewish Christians criticized Peter for associating with Gentiles, but Peter explains that he had a vision from God telling him that he should not consider any person unclean or impure. This leads to the acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian community, and the spreading of the gospel message beyond the Jewish community.

In terms of commentary, Acts 11 illustrates the recurring theme in the book of Acts of the inclusion of Gentiles into the Christian faith. The chapter also highlights the importance of listening to God's guidance and following His will, even if it goes against traditional beliefs or expectations. Overall, Acts 11 demonstrates the universality of the Christian message and emphasizes the importance of unity within the Church.