In ΔXYZ, XY = 15, YZ = 21, and XZ = 27. What is the measure of angle Z to the nearest degree?

To find the measure of angle Z, we can use the Law of Cosines.

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab cos(C)

Here, a = XY = 15, b = YZ = 21, and c = XZ = 27. Let C be the angle at vertex Z, which we want to find.

27^2 = 15^2 + 21^2 - 2(15)(21)cos(C)

729 = 441 + 225 - 630cos(C)

-237 = -630cos(C)

cos(C) = 237/630

C = cos^{-1}(237/630)

Using a calculator, we get:

C ≈ 68.9°

Therefore, the measure of angle Z to the nearest degree is 69°.


See your other post above

To find the measure of angle Z in triangle XYZ, we can use the Law of Cosines. This law states that for any triangle with sides a, b, and c, and the angle opposite side c denoted as C, the following equation holds true:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab*cos(C)

In this case, we are given that XY = 15, YZ = 21, and XZ = 27. Let's substitute these values into the equation to solve for the measure of angle Z:

27^2 = 15^2 + 21^2 - 2 * 15 * 21 * cos(Z)
729 = 225 + 441 - 630 * cos(Z)
729 = 666 - 630 * cos(Z)
630 * cos(Z) = 666 - 729
630 * cos(Z) = -63
cos(Z) = -63 / 630
cos(Z) = -0.1

Now, to find the measure of angle Z, we need to take the inverse cosine (or arccos) of -0.1:

Z = arccos(-0.1)

Using a calculator, we can find this value:

Z ≈ 101.54 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle Z to the nearest degree is approximately 102 degrees.

To find the measure of angle Z in triangle XYZ, you can use the law of cosines.

The law of cosines states that in a triangle with sides a, b, and c, and angle C opposite side c, the following equation holds:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab * cos(C)

In this case, the sides of triangle XYZ are given as XY = 15, YZ = 21, and XZ = 27. We want to find the measure of angle Z.

Let's label angle Z as C and the lengths of the sides opposite it as a = XY, b = XZ, and c = YZ.

Plugging the given values into the law of cosines equation, we get:

YZ^2 = XY^2 + XZ^2 - 2 * XY * XZ * cos(Z)

Simplifying further:

21^2 = 15^2 + 27^2 - 2 * 15 * 27 * cos(Z)

441 = 225 + 729 - 810 * cos(Z)

441 = 954 - 810 * cos(Z)

810 * cos(Z) = 954 - 441

810 * cos(Z) = 513

cos(Z) = 513 / 810

cos(Z) = 0.63333

Now, to find the measure of angle Z, we need to take the inverse cosine (cos^-1) of 0.63333 using a calculator.

cos^-1(0.63333) = approximately 50.04 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle Z in triangle XYZ is approximately 50 degrees to the nearest degree.